Thursday, September 16, 2010

Steps to configure a TXSeries region with a particular language

IBM TXSeries for Multiplatforms supports multiple locales. Details of TXSeries supported locales can be found in the infocenter link

Here are the steps to configure a TXSeries region with a particular language(locale)

1) Create a new region
cicscp –v create region japreg

2) Setup region environment to work with the language.
Suppose we are configuring a region with Japanese language, we need to export the following environment variables in the regions environment file.

3) Copy the Japanese map files into regions map directory.
cp $CICSPATH/msg/Ja_JP /var/cics_regions/japreg/maps/prime

Copying the Japanese map files into regions prime folder will enable the region to pick the Japanese map files whenever we are running CICS Supplied transactions like CSTD,CEBR etc

4)Start the region
cicscp –v start region japreg StartType=cold

To check whether the region is properly configured with Japanese language, we can check for the following ‘ERZ010135I ‘ message in the console file of the region.

ERZ010135I/0362 09/15/10 23:21:12.642808969 test2 46208/0001 : CICS region 'japreg' is being started with locale categories Ja_JP Ja_JP Ja_JP Ja_JP Ja_JP Ja_JP

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